Wednesday, March 10, 2010

110% = One hundred ... and ten percent.

Today, I put on my grown-up producer panties and took a meeting with an agency.  I drove to the Gauntlet of Egos - that stretch of Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills, where the most high-powered heavy-hitters work, play, and shop.  I'm no Pretty Woman, but I felt just as fish-out-of-sparkling-water as I tentatively tip-toed past the Reg Bev Wil to a monstrous agency whose structure looked like a shiny spaceship.

Now I say tip-toed past, because I chose to park my 10-year-old Honda Civic several blocks away, instead of valeting behind the Barneys, Bergdorf's, Burberry as instructed.  I was, after all, sans BMW or Benz.  And PS the dress I wore was older than my car, from Express no less, purchased for $39.99.  I bought it after I graduated college and headed into what I thought was "the real world"(pun intended), as opposed to "The Real World" AKA the "reality TV" world.  Everyone mistakes the dress for a DVF; and since appearance is everything, and the dress cost me practically nothing, it is my "go-to" get-up.  An inside joke with myself.

At the aforementioned agency, I literally met with a six pack of suits. (A gaggle of geese?  A pride of lions?)  These men were so chiseled and groomed and buffed and buff, I could almost see their six-packs thru their designer suits.  The only thing greasier than their gelled coifs was their aggressive approach.

"You think you know people in this town?  You don't.  We know people in this town. ... While you're busy in your bubble, producing your show, doing your job?  You wanna know what we'll be doing?  Our job, which is lining up your next several jobs -- making sure that you are working 24/7, 12 months a year ... We will be your mouth, we will be your muscle, we will be your bad cop. ...  You've gotta be smart, you've gotta be savvy, you've gotta make moves. ... What are you afraid of?  What's stopping you?  Is it the 10 percent?  Standard agency fee, as you know.  What's 10 percent, really?  We'll make you so much more money, you won't even miss the 10 percent."

Wow.  If only the men I dated wooed and courted me like these guys. Phone calls, e-mails, smiles and promises.  Charming and tempting, indeed.

It's a big decision to make.  Seeking representation or not.  Should I risk it all to roll with the big boys, chase the fame, power and money, to have that street cred ... or Boulevard cred?  OR should I opt for a smaller, boutique agency; but does that then mean reaping smaller opportunities and minimal profits?

Walking back to my Civic, which was parked practically in Beverly Hills adjacent, I thought, how symbolic -- I too, am adjacent to all this.  I'm not sure where I'll end up, which agency - if any - I'll choose.  I'm not sure exactly what my 1 year, 3 year, 5 year career goals are yet, but I know I need to decide these things soon.  I'm not sure how ready I am to give up that 10 percent, when I've pocketed every penny I've ever made over the past 10 years.

But, of this much, I'm sure...for now, I will continue to be myself and do what's best for myself -- one hundred AND ten percent.

UPDATE/NOTE:  Not long after writing this blog entry, I eventually chose to be represented by one of the agencies listed above.  Nearly a year later, I still don't regret my decision and think it was a necessary career move.  - MTG a/o Jan 23, 2011


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